Atlas Copco – Centrifugal oil-free air compressor – ZH & ZH+


    DKSH (Myanmar) Ltd.
    No. 013, Thitsar Road, Yankin Township,
    Yangon, Myanmar 11081

    +951 8565270


High-efficiency centrifugal air compressors. Engineered using innovative in-house technology, the ZH centrifugal air compressor is the result of years of experience in the design of oil-free air compressor.

Technical Specification

Capacity FAD l/s1,272 l/s – 9,790 l/s
Capacity FAD4,579 m³/h – 35,244 m³/h
Working pressure2.5 bar(e) – 13 bar(e)
Installed motor power355 kW – 3,150 kW
Capacity FAD m³/min76.32 m³/min – 587.4 m³/min

ZH and ZH + centrifugal oil-free air compressors include

  • core compressor
  • main drive motor energy saving inlet guide vanes
  • easily accessible gearbox
  • AGMA Class A4 gears
  • high efficiency stainless steel intercoolers and after-coolers
  • controller for maximum reliability

The centrifugal oil-free air compressor ZH+ comes as a complete packaged solution with

  • efficient inlet silencer and filter
  • integrated blow-off valve and silencer
  • mounted cooling water manifold
  • sound attenuating canopy

Key Features

We care about your air quality

ZH and ZH+ oil-free air compressors provide clean air with ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 (2010) certification. No external instrument air required for “Class 0” certification due to unique seal design

Reduce your energy costs

Unique impellers provide the optimum combination of a high flow with low energy consumption

Maximizing energy efficiency

Combine the ZH+ centrifugal compressor advanced turbo technology with the regulating capabilities of the ZR VSD screw compressor to eliminate costly blow-off

Protect your production

Elektronikon® control ensures maximum operating efficiency. It protects your production with advanced warnings for service and operating parameters

Smart AIR solutions

Designed to work together with our dryers and ES controller to optimize your overall system performance

Keeping your production up and running

Built using strict codes of quality control. Designed and manufactured according to ISO 22000, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Easy maintenance for reduced service cost

Key Industries

  • Chemical
  • Food & Beverage
  • Textile


Atlas Copco

Great ideas accelerate innovation. At Atlas Copco we have been turning industrial ideas into business-critical benefits since 1873. By listening to our customers and knowing their needs, we deliver value and innovate with the future in mind. Atlas Copco is based in Stockholm, Sweden with customers in more than 180 countries and about 37 000 employees. Revenues of BSEK 95/ 9 BEUR in 2018.

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