Seta – FAME in Jet Instrument (FIJI)


    DKSH (Myanmar) Ltd.
    No. 013, Thitsar Road, Yankin Township,
    Yangon, Myanmar 11081

    +951 8565270


  • FIJI factsheet

IP 583 | ASTM D7797 – Determination of the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) content of aviation turbine fuel (AVTUR) with fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) – Rapid screening method

The patented Fame In Jet Instrument (FIJI) has been developed to offer the industry a rapid and easy check on parts per million (ppm or mg/kg) levels of FAME in aviation fuel using test method IP 583. FIJI uniquely utilises state of the art Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) technology and a patented sample preparation system which allows FAME detection accuracy down to the 10mg/kg level. FIJI can be used as a field or lab based screening tool to give a quick indication of possible FAME contamination that may then necessitate further investigations. The instrument can be used to prevent expensive testing and avoid costly delays of fuel release.

Technical Specifications

Measurement Range10-150 ppm (mg/kg) FAME in Aviation Turbine Fuels
Test Duration20 minutes
Sample Size50 ml
Operating Temperature Range5 to 35°C maximum (80% RH)
Power50 W maximum
Voltage100/250 V, 50/60 Hz
Size (H x W X D)55 x 38 x 42 cm
WeightApprox 20 kg

Key Features

FAME in Jet Instrument

  • Analysis time 15 minutes (approx)
  • Certified range 10-150 mg/kg FAME in AVTUR
  • Laboratory and field instrument
  • Fully automatic
  • Suitable for untrained operators
  • No cleaning solvents required
  • No pre-sample preparation
  • 50ml sample volume

VideoFIJI FAME in Jet Instrument

for IP 583 | ASTM D7797 | Def Stan 91-91 | ASTM D1655 | ASTM D7963

Key Industries

  • Environmental
  • Oil & Gas
  • Pharmaceutical



Stanhope-Seta design and manufacture quality control instruments used to measure the physical characteristics that determine product quality and consistency. The ‘Seta’ range includes test equipment for the hydrocarbons industry as well as many other laboratory test applications for quality control, calibration and analysis.

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