Metrohm – TacticID GP Plus


    DKSH (Myanmar) Ltd.
    No. 013, Thitsar Road, Yankin Township,
    Yangon, Myanmar 11081

    +951 8565270


  • TacticID GP Plus Brochure – Metrohm

The TacticID-GP Plus is a field-ready handheld Raman instrument designed for rapid, nondestructive chemical identification to reduce operational uncertainty and response time. Featuring an intuitive workflow and touchscreen, samples can be nondestructively analyzed through opaque and transparent packaging, with sample threat level displayed prominently for first responders, safety personnel, law enforcement, bomb squads, customs and border patrol, and hazmat teams to act quickly with minimal sample contact. The TacticID-GP Plus utilizes proven Raman spectroscopy, allowing users to get real-time actionable identification of samples with threat level and GHS and NFPA704 safety information clearly displayed.

Technical Specifications

Excitation Wavelength785 nm
Laser Output Power300 +/- 30 mW at 100%, adjustable in 10% increments
Spectral Range176 cm-1 to 2900 cm-1
SoftwareTOS Plus (embedded), TID Plus (PC)
Data Formats.txt, .csv, .spc, .pdf
ConnectivityUSB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi
BatteryRechargeable Li-ion, >10 hrs continuous operation or CR123 battery option
Weight~1.0 kg
Size19 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm
Operating Temperature-20°C ~ 50°C

Key Features

TacticID GP Plus

  • Customized Libraries for Normal and SERS Measurement: Add user-created library items quickly & easily to stay one step ahead of emerging threats.
  • Critical Component Mixture ID: Able to identify components and threat level within a mixed sample.
  • Indirect Contact Analysis: Increase user safety by scanning directly through plastics, bottles & other translucent packaging materials.
  • On-board Camera: Take photos at the scene and record any sample info using the onboard camera; photos and notes are included in the test report.
  • USB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Connectivity: Manage data, send results, and update software/ libraries easily and securely. Write reports directly to USB.
  • Actionable Results: GHS and NFPA704 safety information displays in addition to red, yellow and green result screens to provide immediate visual safety information.
  • Touch Screen Quick Notes: Add custom notes to a scan result anytime, anywhere with the touch screen interface.



Founded in 1943 by the engineer Bertold Suhner, Metrohm is one of the world’s leading maker of instruments for chemical analysis. Metrohm is unique in offering solutions for all varieties of ion analysis. Besides the above, the Metrohm product lines also include a complete portfolio for NIR-/ and Raman spectroscopy, software, dosing systems and solutions for laboratory automation. Metrohm is owned 100% by the Swiss Metrohm foundation and is represented in more than 120 countries by its own subsidiaries or exclusive distributors, respectively. Customers are supported with unparalleled application know-how and service.

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