Showing 151–165 of 172 results

  • NEW! Eltra – Oxygen/Nitrogen Analyzer – Elementrac ON‑p 2

    The ELEMENTRAC ONH-p determines oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in inorganic samples by inert gas fusion in an impulse furnace with temperatures in excess of 3.000 °C.

    The ELEMENTRAC ONH-p determines oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in inorganic samples by inert gas fusion in an impulse furnace with temperatures in excess of 3.000 °C.

  • NEW! Eltra – Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen Analyzer – Elementrac ONH‑p 2

    The new ELEMENTRAC ONH-p 2 is a powerful and robust elemental analyzer for measurement of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen concentrations in inorganic materials like steel, iron, copper or ceramics. The highly sensitive NDIR and th...

    The new ELEMENTRAC ONH-p 2 is a powerful and robust elemental analyzer for measurement of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen concentrations in inorganic materials like steel, iron, copper or ceramics. The highly sensitive NDIR and thermal conductivity detectors reliably detect element concentrations from low ppm content to high percentages.

    The innovative sample port system with pulsed chamber rinsing and vertical sample drop allow for user-friendly and comfortable analysis of rod-shaped, granular or powdery samples with a weight of up to 2 grams.

    The ELEMENTRAC ONH-p 2 elemental analyzer meets or exceeds the requirements of all relevant international standards such as ASTM E 1019 or DIN EN 3976.

  • Novasina – Water Activity

    • LabMaster-aw neo: Flexible and reliable AW-meter for batch release
    • LabMaster-aw: Benchtop meter for maximum measurement range
    • LabTouch-aw: Aw meter for quick and easy measurements
    • LabSwift-aw: Portable meter with ...
    • LabMaster-aw neo: Flexible and reliable AW-meter for batch release
    • LabMaster-aw: Benchtop meter for maximum measurement range
    • LabTouch-aw: Aw meter for quick and easy measurements
    • LabSwift-aw: Portable meter with battery pack for flexible use
    • LabStart-aw: Simple instrument for first step in aw measurement
    • ClimMate Set aw: Portable measuring for bigger sample volumes
  • Novasina-Differential Pressure

    • Pascal-ST/ZB: Th ideal solution for clean rooms – Pocket size high accuracy measuring instrument with automatic zero-point calibration.
    • PascalMaxx: HVAC measuring device with automatic zero-point calibration for monitoring of ...
    • Pascal-ST/ZB: Th ideal solution for clean rooms – Pocket size high accuracy measuring instrument with automatic zero-point calibration.
    • PascalMaxx: HVAC measuring device with automatic zero-point calibration for monitoring of room pressure and saturation.
    • CaliBox 200: Mobile pressure generator and reference for calibration of static and dynamic differential pressure sensors.
  • Novasina-Humidity & Temperature Measurement

    • QuantDat/nSens: Multi-sensor industrial transmitter for humidity and temperature probes.
    • ClimMate: Mobile reference measuring instrument for humidity and temperature in a set.
    • HygroGuard/ClimaLog/DataLog: Data logger system...
    • QuantDat/nSens: Multi-sensor industrial transmitter for humidity and temperature probes.
    • ClimMate: Mobile reference measuring instrument for humidity and temperature in a set.
    • HygroGuard/ClimaLog/DataLog: Data logger systems with internal and external sensors.
    • HygroMaxx: HVAC-transmitter for humidity and temperature measurement with analogue outputs.
    • StatMaxx: HVAC-thermo-hygrostat with integrated relay switches.
    • TempMaxx: HVAC-temperature transmitter with integrated relay switch and analogue output.
  • Seta – Advanced Fuel Ignition Delay Analyser (AFIDA)

    Indicated Cetane Number Analysis

    AFIDA is a revolutionary development providing fully automated determination of the Indicated Cetane Number (ICN) of diesel and diesel related fuels using test method IP 617.

    The anal...

    Indicated Cetane Number Analysis

    AFIDA is a revolutionary development providing fully automated determination of the Indicated Cetane Number (ICN) of diesel and diesel related fuels using test method IP 617.

    The analyser uses a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber (CVCC) and incorporates a unique and patented high pressure injection system that generates fine fuel droplets similar to modern common rail injectors in most diesel engines.

    An ultra robust temperature controlled piezo electric injector provides rapid switching and highly repeatable fuel metering, offering improved performance and consistency when compared with solenoid controlled injectors and pintle type nozzles.

    The analyser provides very fast, efficient and calibrated ICN determinations, tests are fully automated via an integral 36 position carousel and auto sampler.

  • Seta – Air Release Value Apparatus

    The Seta Air Release Value Apparatus is designed to determine the air release properties of hydrocarbon based oils in accordance with ASTM, IP and other methods.

    The apparatus is a benchtop instrument with integrated density balance, heater...

    The Seta Air Release Value Apparatus is designed to determine the air release properties of hydrocarbon based oils in accordance with ASTM, IP and other methods.

    The apparatus is a benchtop instrument with integrated density balance, heater, temperature control system, pressure regulation and microprocessor based control system.

    A unique slider arrangement allows easy positioning of the sinker and movement throughout the test cycle.

  • Seta – Automatic Vapour Pressure Analyser – SetaVap 3

    Setavap3 provides reliable, precise and fully automated vapour pressure analysis.

    • Integrated shaker
    • Simple operation
    • Minimal bias
    • Robust and compact design

    Setavap3 provides reliable, precise and fully automated vapour pressure analysis.

    • Integrated shaker
    • Simple operation
    • Minimal bias
    • Robust and compact design

    With a colour touch screen, the Setavap3 provides a clear user interface to guide the operator through the menu system and simple operator sequence.
    For precise results, the minimum dead volume design eliminates sample carryover, it is suitable for high ethanol content fuels. A fully automated test sequence removes possible operator bias.
    Results are stored in a 16GB internal memory which can be viewed on the screen. For data management and analysis, results can be saved directly to a USB memory stick, LIMS compatibility and printing is provided via Ethernet or Serial Ports.

  • Seta – FAME in Jet Instrument (FIJI)

    IP 583 | ASTM D7797 – Determination of the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) content of aviation turbine fuel (AVTUR) with fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) – Rapid screening method

    The patented Fame In J...

    IP 583 | ASTM D7797 – Determination of the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) content of aviation turbine fuel (AVTUR) with fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) – Rapid screening method

    The patented Fame In Jet Instrument (FIJI) has been developed to offer the industry a rapid and easy check on parts per million (ppm or mg/kg) levels of FAME in aviation fuel using test method IP 583. FIJI uniquely utilises state of the art Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) technology and a patented sample preparation system which allows FAME detection accuracy down to the 10mg/kg level. FIJI can be used as a field or lab based screening tool to give a quick indication of possible FAME contamination that may then necessitate further investigations. The instrument can be used to prevent expensive testing and avoid costly delays of fuel release.

  • Seta – Flash Point Tester – Setaflash™ Series 3

    Setaflash Series 3 provides fast and reliable flash point results and requires minimum operator expertise.

    • Compliance
    • Safety
    • Product quality
    • 2ml of sample and a result...

    Setaflash Series 3 provides fast and reliable flash point results and requires minimum operator expertise.

    • Compliance
    • Safety
    • Product quality
    • 2ml of sample and a result in less than 2 minutes

    Setaflash Series 3 has a very simple user interface with colour digital display and touch screen icons which guide the operator through a straightforward testing process. For easy record keeping the instrument stores 100,000 test results which can be saved and transferred via a USB port. The versatile range of Setaflash instruments is ideal for use in the laboratory, production line or for portable test applications.

  • Seta – Herschel Emulsifier

    The Herschel Emulsifier is a compact and efficient benchtop instrument designed to measure the ability of petroleum oils and synthetic fluids to separate from water.

    The instrument incorporates 4 test stirrers, with independent control and ...

    The Herschel Emulsifier is a compact and efficient benchtop instrument designed to measure the ability of petroleum oils and synthetic fluids to separate from water.

    The instrument incorporates 4 test stirrers, with independent control and motorised raising and lowering. Samples can be tested simultaneously or individually to suit laboratory requirements.

    Test cylinders are located in a temperature controlled bath with an adjustable set point of either 54 or 82°C, in accordance with ASTM and ISO test methods.

    A large LCD touch screen display is used to initiate test and provides automated sequencing with an audible and visual reminder at each recording interval.

  • Seta – Micro Carbon Residue Tester (MCRT)

    An automatic airtight furnace that is pre-programmed to run tests to determine Micro (Conradson) Carbon residue of petroleum products.

    The digitally controlled furnace has a temperature range of ambient to 500°C. Temperature, flow and pres...

    An automatic airtight furnace that is pre-programmed to run tests to determine Micro (Conradson) Carbon residue of petroleum products.

    The digitally controlled furnace has a temperature range of ambient to 500°C. Temperature, flow and pressure values are automatically controlled and values are displayed on the control panel. The test cycle includes an audible ‘end of test’ alarm.

    Includes: one six place holder for 16ml sample tubes and one 12 place holder for 2ml or 4ml sample tubes

  • Seta – Oil Test Centrifuge – 4 place Centrifuge

    This purpose-made Oil Test Centrifuge is fully programmable allowing automatic configuration to the specified oil test parameters. A four place swing out rotor and universal bucket assembly accommodates low cost adaptors and cushions suitable for ...

    This purpose-made Oil Test Centrifuge is fully programmable allowing automatic configuration to the specified oil test parameters. A four place swing out rotor and universal bucket assembly accommodates low cost adaptors and cushions suitable for borosilicate glass centrifuge tubes of the types specified for oil testing: 6 or 8 inch conical, 8 inch trace sediment, 8 inch pear-shaped or 12.5ml. To reduce errors in measurement of tube content, the rotor design allows tubes to stand in a near upright (vertical) position at rest.

  • Seta – Particle Counter – AvCount Lube / AvCount Lite

    The AvCount Lite particle counter provides reliable results for determining the particle concentration in liquid fuels and oils, including aviation fuel cleanliness to Defence Standard 91-091.

    • Simple operation
    • Portable, compact instrument
    • Under 4 minute test time
    • Programmable via PC

    The portable particle counter features a simple test procedure and user friendly features, operator skill or expertise is kept to a minimum.

    AvCount Lite can hold up to 3 test methods with custom methods created on a PC before being uploaded. Test progress and results for up to 6 size bands are displayed as cumulative particles/ml and ISO 4406 cleanliness codes.



  • Seta – Pensky-Martens Flash Point Tester – PM-93

    The Seta PM-93 is a fully automated Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester which combines strict method conformance with the latest control technology and safety systems to provide the next generation of flash point instruments.

    An in...

    The Seta PM-93 is a fully automated Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester which combines strict method conformance with the latest control technology and safety systems to provide the next generation of flash point instruments.

    An intuitive graphic user interface and 8.4” SVGA colour touch screen operation provide unparalleled ease of use with real time display of test progress. Test profiles, operator names, test methods and storage of unlimited results are provided through the embedded operating system. Test results can be emailed, saved to a memory stick, output to LIMS or produced in hard copy with the printer option.