Metrohm – Mira DS Flex


    DKSH (Myanmar) Ltd.
    No. 013, Thitsar Road, Yankin Township,
    Yangon, Myanmar 11081

    +951 8565270


  • Brochure: Mira Flex Packages – Customized Metrohm Instant Raman Analyzers (Mira) for your unique applications

Mira DS Flex package allows the user to customize the Mira DS to meet their needs. The Flex package includes the basic components needed to operate the Mira DS without sampling attachments. At least one sampling attachment is required for operation. The Mira DS Flex package includes the library of illicit materials, a calibration standard, USB cable and laser safety goggles. Class 3B operation.

Technical Specifications

Barcode Scannerfalse
Battery life (h)≥ 4h (with recommended batteries)
Height (mm)45.0
Laser output power (mW)≤ 100
Laser Wavelength (nm)785.0
Length (mm)128.0
Resolution (cm⁻¹) (FWHM)8–10
Spectral Range (cm⁻¹)400-2300
Touchscreen Display3.7″ Resistive
Weight (grams)705.0
Width (mm)88.0

Key Features

Mira DS Flex

  • Customize the Flex system with only the attachments you need
  • Customizable reports
  • Customizable operating procedures
  • Wide variety of sampling options

Mira DS

Key Industries

  • Defense



Founded in 1943 by the engineer Bertold Suhner, Metrohm is one of the world’s leading maker of instruments for chemical analysis. Metrohm is unique in offering solutions for all varieties of ion analysis. Besides the above, the Metrohm product lines also include a complete portfolio for NIR-/ and Raman spectroscopy, software, dosing systems and solutions for laboratory automation. Metrohm is owned 100% by the Swiss Metrohm foundation and is represented in more than 120 countries by its own subsidiaries or exclusive distributors, respectively. Customers are supported with unparalleled application know-how and service.

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